Batboy FREE A4 Printable

Lately I have been nurturing my creative side (and escaping some of my admin work) which has resulted in some illustrations of gorgeous little Superhero’s. My 3 year old son has suddenly developed a keen interest in all things Superhero’s. I love witnessing his imaginative play with them and I can tell you, there is nothing […]
What’s the secret of surviving a night with a child in your bed? + 5 stunning examples of boys bed sheets

Why is it that when in your bed a 3 year old can take up as much, if not more room than a grown man? Here is how the scenario unfolds: The upset child totters down to your room in the early hours of the morning. You are too far into a sleep coma that […]
International Women’s Day

Since today is International Women’s Day I find myself reflecting on many of the influential women who inspire me, and researching those I am yet to discover. It is tricky to narrow down to one woman to write about, however, events of the day have me reminiscing about where I came from and I think its quite fitting to mention a woman who shares the same hometown as me. Her name is Margot Spalding, she is probably most known for being the heart and soul of Jimmy Possum.
Awesome design kids cubby houses

Don’t get me wrong, we all adore our kids and cherish the time playing with them but after what feels like hours of playing trains, sitting uncomfortably on a hard wood floor, there is nothing we wouldn’t do for an outdoor cubby house that would encourage independent and imaginative play (even just for a few […]
My take on ‘Colour Sensation: The works of Melinda Harper’

I had every intention to write about what an amazing afternoon I had at Heide, starting at Café Vue, viewing Melinda Harpers exhibition and finishing with a visit to the cow […]
Say Hello to Pauly!
Why am I sharing with you a picture of a monster? Well, alongside sharing my journey I also intend to share some pretty great things that I hope you will find interesting, useful and just plain inspiring. I briefly mentioned in my first blog, a list of skills I have called upon to help […]
Who am I and why am I even telling you this?
Who am I exactly? I realize in my past, very sporadic blog dappling I have never really mentioned who I am.
My name is Trish. I have a business called Sit Stay Go that is all about ‘Making lives a little more colourful’. Currently I design and produce home wares and art prints, however, to let you in on a little secret…
Adelaide’s Bowerbird
Market season is well and truly upon us and like many other creative I have been super busy over the past couple of months getting ready for the next few weekends of markets! Firstly we get to go interstate to visit beautiful Adelaide and join Bowerbird from this Friday. If you are in the area, […]
Show and Tell interview
Show & Tell – Interview If you haven’t stumbled across the most fabulous blog Show and Tell you are seriously missing out. It is the creation of 3 gorgeous girls Stacey, Brooke and Katie who pride themselves on on the fact that Show and Tell is by women, for women. The content is bluntly ‘real’ […]