Scissors for kids 101

Letting your child loose with a pair of scissors for the first time seems totally scary right… You might be thinking: “They will poke their own eye out, maybe both of them” “I can just see the couch becoming a prime target” “I better get the bandaids ready…” In reality this *generally* isn’t the […]
Asking your kids R U OK?
R U OK? Day I am a passionate believer in the ‘RU OK?’ movement. It is an essential reminder for us to ‘start meaningful conversations’. I totally agree that we need to care for the people around us and meaningfully connect with each other. I really want to share what it reminds me to do. […]
Does a Routine Chart Really Work?

Do you ever have *those days* when you feel that getting the entire family up, fed, dressed and out the door, complete without tantrums, lost keys, and shoes on the wrong feet should give you an exclusive right to do a lap of honour – It deserves a mention that generally this is all happening before […]
Introducing… The Sit Stay Go ‘Weather Box’

My ever popular ‘Weather Activity Kit’ was, up until now, only available as a download for parents to print. But I listened to all your great feedback and as a result The Sit Stay Go ‘Weather Box’ is an ‘all inclusive’ box that turns up, on your door step (or in your letterbox), all ready for […]
The Secret of the Unicorn Cake

I went to not one but 2 parties on the weekend and both had a Unicorn cake!
Both cakes were immaculate! Beautiful swirls of colourful goodness adorned the ever so sweet mane, whilst the beautiful golden horn was sure to cast magical wishes for all.
You know you’re a mum when… (Elsa Band-Aids)

You know you’re a Mum when… You are rocking a Princess Elsa Band-Aid You accidently cut your finger and as you go to grab a Band-Aid you discover the only ones in the entire house adorn the images of ‘Princess Elsa’ and her friends. If it isn’t bad enough that they stand out and clash with […]
Who else wants to know the secret INSIDE the Mum Bun?

Hey Busy Mamas, Hands up if you proudly rock the ‘Mum Bun’? Maybe you know it as the ‘Top Knot’? Either way, I absolutely, whole heartedly do!
Up until recently, it was my total go-to for 5 out of 7 days of the week BUT I’ve just discovered the best sanity saving trick that has changed everything…
Handmade Christmas Decorations – kids activity

Its getting so close to Christmas and I thought it’s about time to get into the festive spirit! Today I want to share a free activity download with you. It’s an activity you can do with your kids to make some beautiful decorations that you can hang on your tree, around your house or use as present toppers. Below […]
Free Reindeer Mask Printable

I’ve already got Christmas on my mind and I’m busy preparing an exciting collection of kids Christmas activities for you all to download and use, totally for free! Woo Hoo! Yep, all about sharing the Christmas love and keeping the little ones entertained over the busy period. Today I wanted to share one of the […]
6 DIY Father’s Day gifts for kids to make

If you are anything like me and have left it to the last minute to organise a craft session with the kids to make Father’s Day gifts well no need to stress thanks to the wonderfully creative people and tutorials listed below. Now for the hard part, Jack choosing what he wants to make Dad! […]