You know you’re a mum when… (Elsa Band-Aids)

You know you’re a Mum when… You are rocking a Princess Elsa Band-Aid
You accidently cut your finger and as you go to grab a Band-Aid you discover the only ones in the entire house adorn the images of ‘Princess Elsa’ and her friends.
If it isn’t bad enough that they stand out and clash with every combination of attire, I can guarantee that the day you wear this Band-Aid is the very day you are required to perform important ‘grown up’ duties and not simply playing with the kids.
Have you also noticed they are teeny tiny and barely fit around your finger. Not to mention the guilt you feel at the knowledge they are 3x the price of regular adult Band-Aids…, which you actually prefer!!!
The things we do for our kids and the way we give up all reasonable thought and subside to the ‘fact’ that Princess Elsa actually does heal your child’s wounds quicker.
Good luck with that Mums
PS don’t forget about the time it takes to actually find the Band-Aids (the kids have probably been applying them to their soft toys). It could seriously turn into quite an ordeal!
If afterwards you need some quiet time and a cuppa to recompose yourself, grab some pencils, download my Weather Activity Pack below and put the kettle on.
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