Fun printable train colouring activity

Posted on Feb 18, 2016 in Activities
Fun printable train colouring activity


Your 3 year old has a question… I have to be honest a little fear enters your mind as to whether you’ll know the answer.

fun printable train colouring activity

This morning’s questions was ‘Mummy, Where’s Henry?’ I (unsuccessfully) replied with a series of questions to determine who or what exactly Henry was.

Now I can only guess Jack (my son) is referring to a train, as trains are his play poison. Thanks to Jacks’ diligent teaching methods I happen to have expert knowledge of Thomas The Tank Engine and know there is an engine, Henry.

The problem is we don’t own Henry… I went through my entire Thomas repertoire to find a substitute to Henry but the more I talked the more upset Jack got that I couldn’t find Henry. I was uncontrollably spiraling out of control.

Suffice to say there was no appropriate resolution to the problem of the missing Henry so while I waited out the tears, in my mind I was planning this fun printable train colouring activity so there will never be another lost Henry!


Trish xo


– To download the image for your kids, simply right click and save as. Then put the kettle on print away so you can enjoy a hot cuppa while the kids have fun.

– Please, one little thing I ask is that you use this for personal use only and for anything else (including reposting), it would be great if you could email me first for permission, Thanks.